Things You Should Know...
- Parent-teacher conferences are this Tuesday and Thursday! Please confirm your scheduled day and time here.
- To help prepare for the parent-teacher conference, please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.
- THANK YOU, Mr. Matejcic, Mrs. Martin, and Mrs. Harris for joining us on our field trip to the SLU basketball game! Your help was greatly appreciated!
- The students will be responsible for completing 3 topics in ALEKS at home this week. If your child does not have access to a computer, they can let me know and work on it in the morning.
- We have been collecting new and interesting words from our read-aloud books and displaying them on our Word Wall, and the students have been having fun using these words in their writing. They will be tested over 8 of the words on Wednesday. The students will be responsible for knowing the meaning and spelling of each of the words and will need to use the words in a sentence correctly. The students have created study cards and have been practicing with their peers.
Dates to Remember...
- The students will decide on their topic for their informational writing piece. They will begin to plan their piece by deciding on their subtopics.Their subtopics will follow a specific nonfiction structure.
- The students will learn several different ways to compare and order fractions. Last week, the students used models and the greatest common denominator to compare (video to explain). This week, the students will use 1/2 as a benchmark (video to explain) and a fun method called the "shoelace method".
Social Studies:
- The students are finishing their projects this week! They are planning creative presentations!
Things You Should Know...
- Parent-teacher conferences are coming up! If you don't have a scheduled time, please take a minute to sign-up.
- To help prepare for the parent-teacher conference, please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.
- Our field trip is on Wednesday! We will be watching a women's basketball game at SLU. If you are interested in attending, please let me know ASAP. The more the merrier for this field trip! I promise you will have a GREAT time!
- We have been collecting new and interesting words from our read-aloud books and displaying them on our Word Wall, and the students have been having fun using these words in their writing. They will be tested over 8 of the words next Wednesday. The students will be responsible for knowing the meaning and spelling of each of the words and will need to use the words in a sentence correctly. They will be given the words tomorrow.
Dates to Remember...
- The students will decide on their topic for their informational writing piece. They will begin to plan their piece by deciding on their subtopics. Their subtopics will follow a specific nonfiction structure.
- We will continue to review equivalent fractions as we begin working on simplifying fractions and comparing fractions. The students will learn several different strategies to compare fractions.
Social Studies:
- The students will continue to work on a project with their partner as they learn how the American Indians adapted to their environment. This week, they are deciding how they will present their information to their classmates.
Things You Should Know...
- Parent-teacher conferences are coming up! Please take a minute to sign-up for our upcoming conferences.
- To help prepare for the parent-teacher conference, please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.
- We have a field trip scheduled for January 23rd! We will be attending a women's SLU basketball game. The students participated in this field trip last year and it was a GREAT time! We are looking forward to it! Permission slips went home last Monday, so please review and return as soon as possible!
Dates to Remember...
- The students are studying a specific mentor sentence each week as they learn grammar rules and parts of speech. This week, the mentor sentence will include an idiom. They will also do a fun activity with the use of idioms.
- We will begin planning for our next writing unit, informational writing. The students will decide on a topic to begin researching next week.
- We are beginning our next unit, fractions! The students will be taking time this week to work with fraction tiles to help develop a better understanding of equivalent fractions.
Social Studies:
- The students will continue to work on a project with their partner as they learn how the American Indians adapted to their environment. They were assigned a specific region of the United States to research and learn how the American Indians of the region lived and survived.
Things You Should Know...
- Last week, we eased back into school as we reviewed and practiced our classroom and school expectations and routines.
- The students spent time last week picking out a good-fit chapter book that your child should be reading at home every evening for at least 30 minutes. They are also able to read online on or to count towards their reading minutes.
- The students are setting a new goal for this quarter in reading. Keep a look out for your child's reading goal on Seesaw!
- We are also focusing on finding 1 way to better ourselves. The students are setting a personal goal for themselves. It may be academic, a study habit, or an at-home habit. Your child will share his/her goal with you later this week.
- Parent-teacher conferences are coming up! Please take a minute to sign-up for our upcoming conferences.
Dates to Remember...
- The students will be learning about writing prompts this week and learn what is expected from a 4th-grade writer. They will study and score different 4th-grade writing pieces as they prepare to write from a prompt later this week.
- We will be learning about the Order of Operations this week. They will review on Wednesday and tested on Thursday over chapter 7 (patterns, input/output tables, and order of operations).
Social Studies:
- The students will begin working on a project with a partner as they learn how the American Indians adapted to their environment. They will be assigned a specific region of the United States to research and learn how the American Indians of the region lived and survived.